
Find hidden radiation on the go! The MiniRad-V is a sophisticated scintillation detection system outfitted for use aboard a vehicle. This two-unit system is powered by 12V DC, just like your vehicle, meaning no more battery charges or exchanges.
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Engineered for easy operation, the MiniRad-V includes both an external radiation detector and an in-cab display. The external radiation detector houses the same sensitive Cesium Iodide detector setup as the MiniRad-D and is designed for placement on the exterior of the vehicle. The unobtrusive in-cab display is mounted within easy view of the driver. Featuring both audio and LED alarms, the in-cab display immediately alerts the driver to dangerous radiation near the vehicle. It offers more than 100 times the sensitivity of most Geiger counters.
The MiniRad-V automatically calibrates itself to natural background radiation, increasing the sensitivity of its radiation detector. The system is also designed for use in high-RF environments. Mobile radiation detection with high sensitivity is now ready for quick installation in your vehicle.